Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final Retreat Information

YAHOO!!! The retreat is one day away and we are so excited to just hang out and have a great time. We will be there tomorrow (thursday) to open the suite at 4:00. We will be eating dinner at about 6:30.

Please bring a sleeping bag and pillow just in case we have to sleep on the floor. We did get another unit so we will have a little more space for beds. If you are interested in swimming please bring your swimsuit and a towel. If you have favorite group games to play, please bring them. If you want to bring munchies that would be great too.

If you need to know the exact location please give me a call. I know the room and building number, just don't want to put that on here for the world wide web to know so please call me.

Can't wait to see everybody there!!! :)


  1. It was so much fun!!!! Thanks ladies for giving us such a fun get away! We need to have a girls night out more often!!!!

  2. I agree 100%. It was a blast!!!
